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Book request visit

With this form the user intends to make contact with the Legal Guardian in order to reserve a visit to the following property:
ESECUZIONE IMMOBILIARE POST LEGGE 80 n° 161 of 2011 the court of "Tribunale di TERMINI IMERESE" , lot 01 , type Commercial building , sale of 26/06/2024 Guardian Livio Fiorani
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To book your visit you will be contacted at this email address / phone number

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Information notice pursuant to art.13 Decree Law n. 196 of June issued 30/6/2003

The data you provide is treated - with the help of hand tools, computer and data - for the purposes strictly related and necessary to the insertion of the on-line offer and usage of the Portal for Public Sale for the conduct of subsequent activities. The inclusion of personal data marked with an asterisk is obligatory; their absence will not allow the electronic supply inclusion on the Portal and, therefore, the possibility of using its services. The data, for said purposes, be treated as responsible and in charge of processing and can be communicated to the staff of the Ministry of Justice, the subject of which it uses for the proper functioning of the Portal and the Managers identified for carrying out procedures telematics sales; In any case, the treatment will be using methods that ensure the security and confidentiality. Article. 7 of Legislative Decree no. 196/03 gives to, ie the person to whom the personal data relate, the ability to exercise certain rights including the right to know, at any time, what are the personal data concerning him, their origin and how they are used; the person concerned has also the right to update, amend, supplement or delete, to request blocking and object to their treatment. Owner of data processing is the Ministry of Justice - DGSIA, based in Rome, Via Crescenzio n. 17 / C, who may be consulted, to exercise the rights under Art. 7 cited. as well as to request an updated list of the data processors and third parties who process personal data.